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Elite Dangerous Posts Patch Notes for 3.0 Open Beta

The first step in a series of major updates to Elite Dangerous is about to be made, and that very first step involves some Elite Dangerous 3.0 patch notes for the update’s open beta. While the general scope was already detailed earlier, these notes offer significantly more information to players.

elite dangerous 3.0 patch notes

The 3.0 update will make a number of changes to the game’s crime and punishment system, including being respawned at a detention center if they are destroyed while having a bounty on their head, having a fine or bounty added to their most valuable ship if they commit a crime in Multi-Crew, and a “reckless weapons discharge” crime among other updates.

3.0 will also offer up a list of features to the game’s galaxy map, some new weapons and modules, some new ships like the Alliance Chieftan, and a variety of other quality-of-life features among other updates. The complete rundown of what’s new in 3.0 can be read on the forums.

Our Thoughts

These are pretty much incremental changes, particularly since additional updates are looking to add a lot more. With that said, we’re sure that many of these new features will be welcome to players and we hope the open beta goes smoothly.

Source: official forums

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